A Monaco-based, non-profit, non-governmental organization, the IEFTA organizes, finances and promotes festivals, exhibition, education and development.
A moderated discussion by Journalist Hadley Gamble
interviewing Cate Blanchett along with Filmmaker Daniela
Repas focusing on and merging narratives from refugees
and displaced people.
A film screening followed by a Q&A with UNHCR and
YouTube with the aim of amplifying refugee narratives
and inspire larger organisations to engage.
A Monaco-based, non-profit, non-governmental organization, the IEFTA organizes, finances and promotes festivals, exhibition, education and development.
It has been a pleasure for IEFTA to support the filmmakers from the beginning of their journey as they win at the 12th edition of Final Cut in Venice.
Announcing that we will be taking a break during August and will be back in September! Happy Holidays!
Announcing our Durban Filmmart 2024 activities and winners.
‘Acts of Man,’ ‘Africa AI,’ ‘We Had the Moon!’ Among Top Prize Winners at Durban FilmMart Award Ceremony with “Africa AI,” taking home the Red Sea Film Fund Award, as well as the DOK Leipzig Award with the support of IEFTA.