Myself and the board members of the IEFTA would like to thank you for your support last Tuesday night at the screening of “Dinner at the No Gos*”. We raised close to 7,500 Euros! These funds will go a long way to: Expand the filmmaker and film database. Create new information tools that enable the filmmakers to improve and develop their skills and interact internationally. Present a new updated list of grants/opportunities. Enhance the site and bring it up-to-date technically. continue film workshops in Addis Ababa. Again,...
The evening was a great success! Thank you to all those who were able to attend! For more photos, please visit our Facebook Event Page ...
Three talented young Ethiopian Filmmakers just finished a once-in a-lifetime experience when they spent a week in Monte Carlo and at the Cannes Film Festival, attending film screenings and premieres, participating in meetings, workshops, and seminars, and being feted at dinners and parties, and presenting their own work. Filmmakers Henok Mebratu, Olisarali Olibui and Yidnekachew Shumete, are participants of an educational program sponsored by The International Emerging Film Talent Association (IEFTA) and the Ethiopian Film Initiative (EFI). All three...
The first initiative the IEFTA ever took on was the 2007 International Emerging Talent Film Festival (IET Film Festival) of Monaco. Over four days, the IET Film Festival showcased 25 films representing 23 countries and eleven first-time feature filmmakers. Panel discussions were hosted on issues of artistic and career relevance, emerging talent was celebrated and engaged the local community with the larger film world. For more details download the IET Film Festival Catalogue below. [button size='medium' style='' text='IET Film Fesivtal Catalogue' icon=''...