22 Sep Marco Orsini Steps Down as President of IEFTA
I write today to announce my decision to step down as President of the International Emerging Film Talent Association (IEFTA.org) and to introduce you to my successor as Board President, Lacey Tu, and to our new Director of the Global Film Expression initiative and IEFTA Partnerships, Lianne Llewellyn.
As many of your know, I was one of the founders of IEFTA, which launched in Monaco in 2006. I have proudly served as its President since 2007, excepting 2009, guiding its growth while executing its mission to support and develop emerging filmmakers and engage meaningfully in the art of cinema. I am humbled by what we have achieved and enthusiastic about IEFTA’s future in the capable hands of our new leadership team and existing board of directors.
In 2006, we articulated a bold and ambitious vision of what we hoped to accomplish. As it happens, we were prescient and lucky, anticipating the global demand for new voices, new perspectives, and untold stories from would-be filmmakers in countries and regions mostly overlooked by the global industry. In the 15 years since, IEFTA has been invited to develop national film curricula in three nations, mentored scores of filmmakers from more than a dozen countries and formed partnerships with many of the most distinguished and important film festivals and film marketplaces on the planet. We have emerged, ourselves, to become a familiar and valued actor on the global circuit of festivals, workshops and filmmaker development programs. We have tested our belief in the power of mentorship, support and opportunity, demonstrating that talent is everywhere and only needs encouragement. The filmmakers we have identified and supported have engaged audiences worldwide, their projects distributed via festival, theatrical release, TV and streaming platforms.
IEFTA was founded by a group of people who had a vision for the future and some resources to pledge to its pursuit. Rather than profit or power, we were motivated by a passion for film. Including new participants in the global conversation was a way of ensuring new content, new perspectives and new ideas. But we couldn’t have done it without the support and encouragement of our IEFTA donors, friends, supporters and partners. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity and the privilege of working with talented, determined, courageous and accomplished people all over the world.
While I am ready to relinquish my day to day operational responsibilities, I will remain an active board member, supporting our team of consultants in their work with filmmakers and film creatives, while continuing to mentor filmmakers and participate in festivals, workshops and labs (as invited).
In closing, I ask you to direct your support and faith and commitment to our new leadership team who are inspired and honored to pursue the mission of IEFTA.
With heartfelt appreciation,
Marco Orsini
Stepping up …

Board Director