28 Sep Tanveer Hossain Selected to attend IEFTA Scholarship at APOSTLab’s 15th Annual Workshop
We are delighted to announce that Producer Tanveer Hossain (Bangladesh) has been selected for IEFTA’s Scholarship Opportunity with his project Red Lights Blue Angles to attend the 15th APOSTLab Annual Post-Production Workshop that will take place in Halle (Saale), Germany from 22 to 27 October, 2024.

APOSTLab’s 15th Annual Workshop is a 6-day, residential, project-based program involving plenary sessions, group work, and individual consultations. During this intensive workshop, participants get a better understanding of the technical, financial, and creative aspects of post-production in the European international production environment.
Tanveer Hossain (Bangladesh)
Tanveer Hossain is a film producer from Bangladesh. He works as the Executive director in Green Screen, a production company based in Dhaka. Tanveer has graduated from International Film Business Academy (IFBA), a fellowship program of Busan Asian Film School (AFiS), 2023 and won the Prestigious ‘Busan Film Commission Award’ for his outstanding performance during the fellowship. He has participated in workshops and industry events like BIFAN Industry Gathering NAFF It project Market, Bucheon; Asian Project Market 2022 in Busan, South Korea. He took part in the Producing Workshop at the NFDC Film Bazaar 2022, India; Asian Producer’s Network (APN), a program of Singapore International Film Festival 2023, as well. He is currently an active member of New Asian Producer’s Network (NAPNet). He is also an alumnus of AFiS x Produire Au Sud 2023, EAVE on demand Film Marketing in Quezon City, Philippines, 2024. Tanveer actively participated in film festivals like Festival De Cannes, Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival, Busan International Film Festival, International Film Festival of India, Goa, Busan International Short Film Festival, Singapore International Film Festival, Silk Road International Film Festival etc.
Selected for IEFTA’s Scholarship Opportunity at APOST Lab’ 15th Annual Post-production Workshop.

Red Lights Blue Angels
In the outskirts of Bangladesh, where there is a prohibition on burying prostitutes in graves, a female photojournalist embarks alone on a mission to challenge a patriarchal religious community and secure a dignified funeral for a sex worker who had once been her photo story subject. As she uncovers lies and confronts deeply rooted prejudices, her quest for justice transforms into a personal fight, leaving her to stand alone against the world. While she may not succeed in fully restoring the dignity of the sex worker, she reclaims her own and her journey reveals how her own life is intricately connected with that of the deceased sex worker, transcending social class or background.
About APOSTLab
Amsterdam Post Lab (APOSTLab) offers programs with the aim to increase understanding and appreciation of post-production. For more than a decade APostLab has provided professionals with the knowledge and skills to manage the post-production of international feature films and series. Whether working on international art house documentaries, feature films, or delivering a series to an international streamer; APostLab offers producers and professionals the knowledge, skills and network needed to succeed.